Welcome to the Wedding Music Project, our Wedding Music and Songs are professionally produced to help you pick the best music to use for your wedding. We have songs for walking down the aisle, preludes for before the ceremony, and songs for every moment of the ceremony. We hope you find what you are looking for and have a wonderful wedding!
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Pigly-Helps people plan and organize their finances
Pigly is a free online resource that helps people plan and organize their finances with helpful interactive tools and easy-to-follow guides. Our site features a diverse range of calculators for estimating savings, mortgage, credit cards, budgeting, and business expenses.
Around 40% of Americans struggle to cover emergency costs. We created Pigly to empower and educate people to take control of their finances. Pigly encourages parents to teach kids early about savings in order to make wiser financial choices…
Please visit pigly.com May God bless you, your Christian Pälchen
12 Tips for Helping your Child Memorise Scripture
Are you looking for new ways to excite your children about memorising Scripture?
I hope you have already downloaded the FREE printables of Scripture memory cards, progress reward chart, and colouring sheets based on the key verses from Holly Shivers’ book, I Can Learn the Bible: 52 Scriptures Every Kid Should Know – made available to you from Tommy Nelson and FaithGateway.
The free printables offer Bible memory cards that you can print out and use as lunchbox notes, post to your refrigerator, tape to your kids’ bathroom mirrors, or make as bookmarks for daily devotional time. Plus, they’re also giving away colouring sheets to help with the Bible verse memorisation and a printable reward chart so you can track your kids’ progress and encourage them to keep up week after week.
Find out more at the links below:
Infant mortality rate: Why babies all over the world are now sleeping in boxes
This is one of the worst scenarios for parents: to wake up in the morning and find your baby dead. Parents ask themselves: What can we do so that this will not happen to us?
Firstly, I would like to take a look at the Bible:
We can pray for our children:
“But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be glory both now and forever! Amen.” 2 Peter 3:18
“The Lord bless you and keep you, the Lord make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you, the Lord turn His face toward you and give you peace.”Numbers 6:24-26
But if you have recently found yourself in this horrible situation, know that our Lord will help you through this, just like He promises in His Word:
Psalm 34:18 “The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.”
“Now they were bringing even infants to Him that He might touch them. And when the disciples saw it, they rebuked them. But Jesus called them to them, saying, “Let the children come to Me, and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God.”
What does science and research teach us about these infant deaths? Is there anything that we can do? Finland has a very low infant mortality rate. Why is it so and what can we learn from them? Please read these two articles from the BBC about the Finnish solution.
All the best, may God bless your family and keep you safe!
Christian Pälchen
Who Can Find a Virtuous Woman?
Never was there a more crucial time for teen girls to know the answer to this question.
By Gareth Fraser • Feb. 21, 2018
“I would like to dedicate this book to the memory of my wife of 50 happy years, Loma Armstrong.” So wrote Mr. Armstrong in Mystery of the Ages. There is a lot of depth in that dedication statement. It reveals the kind of physical marriage and spiritual vision the Armstrongs possessed. Mrs. Armstrong strove to set an example of a virtuous woman to the girls and ladies of God’s Church.
Nearly 30 years after that book’s publishing, we live in a world where children oppress parents and women rule over men (Isaiah 3:12). The scourge of feminism, lesbianism, civil unions and perverted marriages are the new normal. Satan has been cast down and has worked to pervert God’s created roles in the divine institution of marriage (Revelation 12:12).
Anciently, King Solomon was inspired to ask a vital question. “Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies” (Proverbs 31:10). Never was there a more crucial time for teen girls to know the answer to this question.
Virtuous is defined as “having or showing high moral standards.” In the Hebrew language, it is rendered: “strength, power, might, ability, efficiency, wealth, force or army.” Ruby is “a precious stone, crimson, purple or pale rose color,” and cited as “jewels” in the Jewish tongue.
What a divine blessing of God to find a virtuous woman. In Proverbs 31:11-27, King Solomon documented the character traits of this lady of God.
He noted that her husband safely trusts her, and she seeks to do good to him. She seeks out bargains in décor and works within a budget to obtain healthy, nourishing foods for a balanced family diet. She gives sound input to her husband on financial decisions and works long hours caring for her husband and family. She seeks to help others with pure religion, serving the widows, elderly and orphans in the congregation.
This woman is active and exercises to produce good health. She prepares for all seasons of weather, sews, shops bargains, and works to clothe the family without debt. As a valued helpmeet, she points to her husband, rejoicing in his successes and example.
This virtuous woman is not lazy, rather seeking out avenues of how to sell items from home and make extra money to supplement the family needs. She loves being a homemaker, which keeps her busy, enriched and fulfilled.
This woman has a deep desire for spiritual strength and honor more than the physical, and she is known for speaking of God’s plan; she desires to obey His law of love.
“Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her” (Proverbs 31:28). You have the responsibility to happily respect, honor and speak highly of your mother (Exodus 20:12). In like manner, our fathers, as husbands of such a woman, are to seek opportunities not to flatter, but rather to praise her for jobs well done.
“Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the Lord, she shall be praised” (Proverbs 31:30). This is a lesson we all must learn well. Seek to please God more than flesh. If you do, God will reward you with good fruits.
King David rightly observed that this creation was fearfully and wonderfully made by God (Psalm 139:14). Satan, as the god of this world, has worked to portray the role of a woman as a burden, resulting in a society with far too many effeminate men and masculine women.
The first woman was made by God from the rib of man. The ribs form a protective cage around vital organs of the human body (Genesis 2:22). God saw the benefit of her role as a helpmeet for her husband (verse 18). This role is a type of the spiritual role of the royal affianced bride of Christ, the Church (Revelation 12:1). So God, through the pcg today, has revived the spiritually virtuous Bride of our Creator.
At the Philadelphia Church of God’s first Sabbath on Dec. 16, 1989, seven women made up the 12 total in attendance. Yes, the pcg began with more women than men! That statistic highlights how urgently the role of a virtuous woman needed to be revived in God’s Church. These women preferred the role God created for them to the trappings of makeup, inappropriate dress standards, and perceived independence. Thankfully, true womanhood is being revived today in the homes and families of congregations worldwide.
Who can find a virtuous woman?
God has shown us through His Word that there are such ladies today: They are right here in His true Church, and what a wonderful blessing they are from Him.