Category Archives: Couples

Constructive arguing

Arguments can be either constructive or destructive; it all depends on how you handle them. Many times our relationships fall apart or develop into unending chapters of misery because we either fail to recognise or are unwilling to face our problems before they escalate into emergencies. Rather than discuss what’s not working between us, we get into a conflict and argue about whose fault it is. In contrast to discussion that constructively airs the issues, arguments bring charges and appoint blame, which is destructive. They provoke hurt, anger, defensiveness, aggressive feelings, bitterness, and other strong emotions. That’s why the Bible says, “It is to a man’s honour to avoid strife, but every fool is quick to quarrel”, Proverbs 20:3. Now let’s get real for a second!

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Pigly-Helps people plan and organize their finances

Pigly is a free online resource that helps people plan and organize their finances with helpful interactive tools and easy-to-follow guides. Our site features a diverse range of calculators for estimating savings, mortgage, credit cards, budgeting, and business expenses. 

Around 40% of Americans struggle to cover emergency costs. We created Pigly to empower and educate people to take control of their finances. Pigly encourages parents to teach kids early about savings in order to make wiser financial choices…

Please visit May God bless you, your Christian Pälchen

We need each other

Worrying indicates a basic need of loving people. Love is an active act, it goes beyond just feelings and emotion. This act sows the seed of new love, starting a never-ending cycle; as the saying goes: “What never comes back empty? Love!”

Love (Jesus) in 1 Corinthians 13 is unconditional. We need to confess our sins and be sensitive to our conscience, fully aware that we are sinners and need God’s perfect love in order to have a relationship with Him forever. Similarly, with human love, although the first step of love might seem unconditional, acceptance is not. Human love needs a response for it to flourish and stay alive. Between lovers, it may not be one-sided, because this will invalidate the love.

But when it comes to our relationship with Jesus, I believe that the Holy Spirit is so strong at work among Christians, who have made a real decision for Jesus, that nothing can separate us from God’s love. If we find ourselves far from God, we will be weak. Our human nature fails and we need to be aware of our faults and weaknesses. Since we live in a sinful world, our love is conditional, but we need to aspire to have the perfect love of Christ.

Written by Christian Pälchen

21 Eye-Opening Ways Men and Women Communicate Differently

“The fact is that men and women communicate differently. Although men and women speak the same language, we have differences in priorities, internal processing and behaviour patterns so it is easy to misunderstand, misinterpret or simply not get where the other is coming from.
To increase your ability to persuade, motivate, influence and get along, you must understand the gender communication rules or gender codes for how men and women communicate. This in-turn will help you to build rapport, relationships and connect.
While gender differences may have been widely researched and certain behaviours observed and labelled, it’s never, ever appropriate to stereotype. Every person is an individual and the characteristics for men and women will vary depending on the person.
Based on our research, observations in our training programmes and a number of books such as Debra Tannen’s, You Just Don’t Understand, here are some overall observations of differences between men and women. Understanding these differences can assist you in continuing to build and maintain relationships.”

Read the whole article here

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