A2 Poster Printable PDF - Christian Marriage Preparation Courses For Schools And Churches – Fit For Family


Christian Family Goals
A2 Poster Printable PDF
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Download and print this 2-page poster for a fun family-planning experience. As a family, it is important to have goals and tasks that you wish to achieve together. Whether it is planning for a family holiday, saving up for something that the family can enjoy or building a tree-house, this poster will give you some useful tips about how to plan and work together so that any goal is peacefully achieved and creates a time of family-bonding. The second page of the PDF offers space for you to write in before working towards your goal; we encourage you to laminate the poster and reuse it for numerous projects by writing on it with a non-permanent marker.

We encourage the use of PDF documents as we aim to look after the environment and limit our carbon footprint. Hence, all of our posters, manuals and packages are available to download via pdf.

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