C-Partnership Test Bundle 2 [20 tests - 80% discount] - Christian Marriage Preparation Courses For Schools And Churches – Fit For Family


The Marriage Preparation Course for Christian Family
C-Partnership Test Bundle 2 [20 tests – 80% discount]
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The Christian Partnership Test from Fit for Family is a unique test that assists in helping young couples to confront and assess existential aspects of their partnership. It will provide a starting point for conversations, as well as helping you make a decision as to whether the partner in question is right for you. The online test is scientifically designed, comprising of more than forty questions that are answered independently by each person. The normal price of the test is $4,99, however, with this bundle you get 80% off the test and access to 20 tests. This is ideal for a school or church group.

The test is also available in German, Chinese, Hindi, Spanish and French.

You can access the test here once registered: http://www.c-partnershiptest.org/users

This purchase includes 20 discount codes for the C-Partnership test each offering a 80% discount on the test.

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